Advocacy that builds power: Transforming policies and systems for health and racial equity

Individual Author(s) / Organizational Author
Julia Coffman
Barsoum, Gigi
Lopez, Albertina
Mariah Brothe Gantz
Center for Evaluation Innovation
March 2021
Abstract / Description

Foundations that support advocacy historically have measured success by whether a policy or systems change “win” has been achieved. Did the campaign succeed in passing Medicaid expansion? Were advocates successful in getting home visiting programs funded? This report, and the evaluation that informed it, examines what it takes for advocacy to build power in addition to achieving wins. This report begins with background on BHC, describes our evaluation approach, and defines key terms.
It then offers the conceptual framework we used to guide data collection and analysis, followed by our findings about advocacy that builds power. The report ends with implications for funders who support advocacy. This report is a companion to the 2020 report produced by the Center for the Study of Social Policy (CSSP), An Ecosystem to Build Power and Advance Health and Racial Equity.  (author introduction)

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