From babies through adults, improving health, life and healing

Individual Author(s) / Organizational Author
W.K. Kellogg Foundation
W.K. Kellogg Foundation
November 2022
Abstract / Description

Preterm births in the U.S. have reached the highest level in 15 years, and disproportionately are experienced by  Black and Native American mothers and infants, according to a new report from WKKF grantee March of Dimes. “Our country, unfortunately … is one of the least safe places to give birth and be born,” said Dr. Zsakeba Henderson, March of Dimes’ senior vice president and interim chief medical and health officer, in an NPR story. Through policies such as expanding access to Medicaid – which covers more than 40% of births in the nation – and ensuring pregnant mothers’ access to basic needs, states can help improve the health of moms and babies. Thankfully, an increasing number of states are forming perinatal quality collaboratives to examine and elevate solutions. (author introduction)

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Priority Population