Building community alliances

Individual Author(s) / Organizational Author
June 2017
Abstract / Description

Build alliances with community partners to protect against risk and build community power. 

Health departments play a convening role that can be used to advance health equity. Community partners and the health department can develop alliances or networks that collectively and powerfully advance equity by increasing awareness, advocating for policy and systems change, and ensuring accountability.

These formal or informal alliances — led by the department or by the community — can protect the health department from the political risk or pushback invariably associated with advancing equity. The department can create a “base” of community support that can advocate on its behalf to elected officials or other leaders who are questioning the department’s work. Additionally, these alliances showcase a wide demand and interest from the public, helping the health department to expand the boundaries of its work beyond traditional public health activities. (author introduction) #P4HEwebinarNovember2023

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P4HE Authored