COVID-19 vaccine equity and access: Case study for health care chatbots

Individual Author(s) / Organizational Author
Perez-Ramos, Jose G.
Leon-Thomas, Mariela
Smith, Sabrina L.
Silverman, Laura
Perez-Torres, Claudia
Hall, Wyatte C.
Iadarola, Suzannah
PubMed Central
January 2023
JMIR Formative Research
Abstract / Description

Disparities in COVID-19 information and vaccine access have emerged during the pandemic. Individuals from historically excluded communities (eg, Black and Latin American) experience disproportionately negative health outcomes related to COVID-19. Community gaps in COVID-19 education, social, and health care services (including vaccines) should be prioritized as a critical effort to end the pandemic. Misinformation created by the politicization of COVID-19 and related public health measures has magnified the pandemic’s challenges, including access to health care, vaccination and testing efforts, as well as personal protective equipment. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has been demonstrated to reduce the gaps of marginalization in education and access among communities. Chatbots are an increasingly present example of ICTs, particularly in health care and in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic. (author abstract) #HES4A

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