How public-private partnerships can give more people better healthcare

Individual Author(s) / Organizational Author
Trager, Alan
World Economic Forum
December 2021
Abstract / Description

In the 21st century, global healthcare confronts complex challenges exacerbated by crises like COVID-19 and ongoing issues such as non-communicable diseases and aging populations. Addressing these demands a collaborative approach, where public-private partnerships (PPPs) play a crucial role. Originally viewed as financial tools for infrastructure, PPPs now offer innovative solutions to expand healthcare access. Effective PPPs leverage strengths from both sectors, achieving scale and reaching underserved populations while ensuring sustainability. Implementing successful PPPs requires balancing sector interests, shared decision-making, and mutual accountability. Drawing from diverse perspectives and best practices, these partnerships emphasize trust, aligned interests, diverse returns, and robust public engagement. As stakeholders refine methodologies and build capacity, PPPs hold promise in transforming global health access through strategic collaborations.

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