‘It’s like you don’t have a roadmap really’: Using an antiracism framework to analyze patients’ encounters in the cancer system

Individual Author(s) / Organizational Author
Black, Kristin Z.
Lightfoot, Alexandra F.
Schaal, Jennifer C.
Mouw, Mary S.
Yongue, Christina
Samuel, Cleo A.
Faustin, Yanica
Ackert, Kristen L.
Akins, Barbara
Baker, Stephanie
Foley, Karen
Hilton, Alison R.
Mann-Jackson, Lilli
Robertson, Linda B.
Shin, Janet Y.
Yonas, Michael
Eng, Eugenia
PubMed Central
December 2018
Ethnicity and Health
Abstract / Description

Cancer patients can experience healthcare system-related challenges during the course of their treatment. Yet, little is known about how these challenges might affect the quality and completion of cancer treatment for all patients, and particularly for patients of color. Accountability for Cancer Care through Undoing Racism and Equity is a multi-component, community-based participatory research intervention to reduce Black-White cancer care disparities. This formative work aimed to understand patients’ cancer center experiences, explore racial differences in experiences, and inform systems-level interventions. (author abstract) #HES4A

Artifact Type
Reference Type
Priority Population