NEA research labs: The arts, health, and social/emotional well-being

Individual Author(s) / Organizational Author
NEA Research Labs
National Endowment for the Arts
January 2024
Abstract / Description

Each of our Labs on the “Arts, Health, and Social/Emotional Well-Being” focus on research questions such as the following, under “Therapeutic Approaches and Benefits” or “Non-Therapeutic Approaches and Benefits”: 

Therapeutic Approaches and Benefits

  • What changes in physical or mental health outcomes are experienced by subjects receiving creative arts therapies to treat one or more diseases, disorders, or health conditions?
  • What is the physiological or psychological mechanism of action for a creative arts therapy in treating a disease or disorder or in improving symptoms for a chronic disease, disorder, or health condition?
  • What are the comparative therapeutic benefits of creative arts therapies relative to each other or to non-arts-based interventions?

Non-Therapeutic Approaches and Benefits

  • What are the social, emotional, physical, and/or physiological health benefits of the arts for individuals, groups, or societies?
  • What physiological or psychological mechanisms or group dynamics are at work in achieving those benefits or related outcomes?
  • What kinds of art forms are invoked in these relationships, and at what levels of participation?
  • How do these benefits or related outcomes vary by age, socioeconomic characteristics, other demographic and behavioral patterns, and/or by health or disability status? (author introduction)
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