Perceived racial/ethnic discrimination and mental health: A review and future directions for social epidemiology

Individual Author(s) / Organizational Author
Vines, Anissa I.
Ward, Julia B.
Cordoba, Evette
Black, Kristin Z.
PubMed Central
April 2017
Current Epidemiology Reports
Abstract / Description

Recent literature on racial or ethnic discrimination and mental health was reviewed to assess the current science and identify key areas of emphasis for social epidemiology. Objectives of this review were to: 1) Determine whether there have been advancements in the measurement and analysis of perceived discrimination; 2) Identify the use of theories and/or frameworks in perceived discrimination and mental health research; and 3) Assess the extent to which stress buffers are being considered and evaluated in the existing literature. (author abstract) #HES4A

Artifact Type
Reference Type
Priority Population