Perspectives on the importance of a supportive and inclusive workplace for people with disabilities

Individual Author(s) / Organizational Author
Coldren, Jess
Mann, David
July 2020
Abstract / Description

For many people who have a disability or a disabling condition caused by an illness or injury, it can be difficult to find an employer who not only strives to create an environment and policies that ensure they are supported, but also fosters a culture in which the differences of its employees are sincerely valued.  

An important piece of this work is to reach out to employees about their experiences at Mathematica to find out what makes a difference and what the company can do better. We have learned there is no one-size-fits-all approach to supporting people with disabilities because of the broad range of both visible and invisible disabilities that impact people differently. Instead, the flexibility and creativity that come from valuing the talents, experience, and insight of all individuals open the door to innovations that lead to success. 

Two Mathematica employees share their perspectives on the impact disability has had on their professional lives and how continued progress toward creating a supportive and inclusive workplace can wide-reaching positive effects. (author introduction) 

Artifact Type
Reference Type
Priority Population
P4HE Authored