Racial and ethnic inequities in US oncology clinical trial participation from 2017 to 2022

Individual Author(s) / Organizational Author
Pittell, Harlan
Calip, Gregory S.
Pierre, Amy
Ryals, Cleo
Altomare, Ivy
Royce, Trevor
Guadamuz, Jenny S
JAMA Network
July 2023
JAMA Network Open
Abstract / Description

US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) draft guidance from April 2022 calls for the improvement of clinical trial enrollment of participants from historically excluded racial and ethnic populations, and key organizations have made similar calls for more diverse representation among oncology trial participants. Earlier research offered evidence of racial and ethnic inequities in clinical trial participation, but such studies analyzed enrollment data from published trials, which often lack information on participant race and ethnicity. Given evidence of worsening racial and ethnic inequities in access to health care and health outcomes, especially since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, this study aimed to assess the extent of racial and ethnic inequities in oncology clinical trial participation and how they may have changed in recent years. (author introduction) #HES4A

Artifact Type
Reference Type
Geographic Focus
Priority Population