The role of education in reducing health equalities

Individual Author(s) / Organizational Author
Meriouma, Sara
Health Action Research Group
July 2021
Abstract / Description

The link between education and health: Studies have shown direct links between education and factors such as health and life expectancy rates, with academic achievement playing a potentially significant role in reducing health inequalities by shaping life opportunities. For example, research has found that adults with significantly lower educational attainment are more likely to suffer from poor health compared to other population groups, even in highly developed countries, due to the inequalities caused by education. According to a report conducted by the Department of Health in 2008, those with lower educational attainment levels are more likely to smoke or be obese and so be at increased health risk. In the UK, there is evidence suggesting people living in the lowest healthy life expectancy (HLE) areas generally have lower educational attainment than people living in the highest HLE areas. Conversely, adults with higher educational achievements tend to live longer and healthier lives, with fewer comorbidities. (author abstract) 

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