Using the arts to improve public health

Individual Author(s) / Organizational Author
CDC Foundation
CDC Foundation
May 2023
Abstract / Description

Throughout human history, artists and culture bearers have often been viewed as trusted voices, translating vital information to make it more relevant. This remains true today. From the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, local artists and cultural organizations have communicated essential public health information within their communities.
As COVID-19 cases surged across the United States, public, private and community-based organizations alike sought to find new ways to cut through COVID-19 vaccine skepticism and communicate accurate vaccine and public health information. In response, the CDC Foundation collaborated with the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) to support organizations across the country using the arts to build vaccine confidence. (author introduction) #P4HEwebinarMay2024

Artifact Type
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P4HE Authored