Video guide: 10 principles of trustworthiness

Individual Author(s) / Organizational Author
AAMC Center for Health Justice
Association of American Medical Colleges
May 2021
Abstract / Description

This 11-minute video features interviews with 30 community members from diverse areas across the United States. The interviews were recorded in the summer of 2020, at a time of great tribulation in our society. The video highlights what diverse communities across the country had to say about trust in health care, science, public health, and the COVID-19 vaccines. 

From those time-bound stories we collectively re-learned lessons about community engagement and trustworthiness. With those lessons in mind, the 10 Principles of Trustworthiness were extracted from lived experience, and then generalized in recognition that trust isn’t built by developing confidence in one vaccine, but rather by our institutions and organizations acting in ways that demonstrate they are worthy of a community’s trust, whether there is a health crisis underway or not. 

The video underscores reasons and causes for mistrust of the health care and other systems, and offers suggested actions that organizations of all kinds can take to demonstrate they are trustworthy. It can be shown as a way to kick off and facilitate a discussion of the 10 Principles of Trustworthiness. (author introduction) 

Artifact Type
Reference Type
P4HE Authored