We must embrace our interconnectedness

Individual Author(s) / Organizational Author
Torbay, Rabih
Health Affairs
March 2021
Health Affairs
Abstract / Description

Among the many lessons to come out of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, perhaps the most enduring will be how interconnected it showed the world to be. No one has been left unaffected; all of us know someone who has had the virus or have seen firsthand the tragic toll it can take. COVID-19 has reminded us that no one can live in a bubble—that what happens anywhere affects all of us, everywhere. If we want to rebuild from this pandemic and move forward into a stronger, more equitable world, we cannot forget that lesson. That interconnectedness—and the empathy it creates—will be essential to our ability to move forward. (author introduction) #P4HEwebinarApril2024

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P4HE Authored