Why Gen Z is more open to talking about their mental health

Individual Author(s) / Organizational Author
Cuncic, Arlin
Very Well Mind
December 2023
Abstract / Description

Gen Z mental health differs from that of previous generations—and they are a lot more open about sharing their struggles.
Specifically, they are interconnected globally with a diverse range of people and largely communicate through technology and social media. This generation of over 60 million people in the United States is slowly starting to face real world challenges like paying for school, finding a job, and managing stress of daily life as an adult. This raises the question: How is Gen Z handling their mental health compared to previous generations? They have grown up in tumultuous times that have included multiple stressors such as 9/11, school shootings, climate change, a global pandemic, and political unrest, but this generation has consistently proven itself to be one that openly speaks about mental health. (author introduction) #P4HEwebinarJune2024

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